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Lunch & Nutrition

In September 2017, all Edmonton Public Schools began using a standard approach to the provision of lunch-time supervision services. This new approach reflects the District cornerstone values of integrity, equity, collaboration and accountability, and takes into account the evolving provincial context as it relates to lunch-time supervision fees.

To date, lunch program fees have been based on a formula using number of students attending, administrative costs, lunch supervisor salaries and custodial costs. Then new fee schedule will be based simply on lunch supervision salaries and the number of students using the program. The new fee schedule will be sent home the first week of school.

For further information please contact the school office at 780-434-8503.


NOTE:  We are often looking for Lunch Supervisors.  These are paid positions from 11:30am to 12:30pm each school day. If you or someone you know may be interested, please call 780-434-8503 for more information.