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  • Special Events

    Special Events

    Our learning and community spirit are enhanced by Special Events. These can be evening social events or a learning focus we share school-wide for a day or a week. Some involve our parents and community; others include special guests to share their expertise. These are some of the events we have had at Parkallen over the years.  The activities may vary each year, depending on staff, student and community interests.   

    Welcome Back & Meet The Teacher - This is a family event that includes a chance to meet our School Staff and have a look around the school.  This event is typically held in early September. It is a great chance to re-connect and to meet new friends and neighbours.  

    Read In Week -The first week of October we invite our parents and community in to share their favourite stories and celebrate a love of Reading.

    Winter Concert - All our students participate in this special performance that celebrates Christmas and other cultural celebrations from around the world.

    Career Pathways Week - We will invite the community in during a week in April to build awareness of many different careers, and the many possible pathways children can experience on their way to a life of dignity and contribution.

    Family Dance - In the spring, the parents plan a family dance with an engaging theme. We have great music, costume contests, treats, games and a chance to re-connect with friends and neighbours. 

    School Fun Day - At the end of the year, children gather in cross-graded or class groups and travel through many stations to play games! A fun and active day in the sun.


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  • School Vision & Mission

    School Vision & Mission

    Parkallen School's Vision Statement

    Fostering engaged, lifelong learners who will have a positive impact on the world.


    Parkallen School's Mission

    Empowering all students by meeting individual needs to cultivate academic and social growth.  To accomplish this, we will provide leadership, collaboration and meaningful learning opportunities in a dynamic school community.




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  • Student Leadership

    Student Leadership

    Parkallen is school that develops student leadership through a variety of opportunities for our students, including Student Council, Student Advisory Meetings, and numerous in-house leadership opportunities.  Each child can be a leader!

    Our students get involved as Assembly Hosts, Event Greeters, Indoor Recess Activity Leaders, just to name a few.

    Student Council is a group of grade 5 and 6 students who organize various school activities and fundraisers that benefit the school population and many charities.  


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  • Community


    Both the Parkallen and Allendale communities have active community leagues with many activities and events for young families. We are grateful to the community members for their hard work over many years, to provide a newly refurbished play park, spray deck, basketball court and ice rink in Parkallen that are enjoyed by the school children. Both communities plan regular social events. There are many playing fields that are used for school-based physical education, as well as soccer and other community sports.

    The communities host Guides, Cubs and Scout groups, and there are martial arts groups that meet at the community halls. Parkallen and Allendale offer organized and drop-in indoor and outdoor soccer programs, and a drop-in basketball program provided in conjunction with Grant MacEwan University. Additionally, the Sprouts community gardening group offer a child-friendly gardening program. The communities, in partnership with the City of Edmonton offer programs for children including learn-to-skate, bicycle riding and road safety courses, babysitting courses, and crafts and science workshops. Also, during the school summer vacation, the City of Edmonton Green Shack provides programing for children in the park. Both communities stay connected with the City of Edmonton on matters of community planning and development that impact the neighbourhoods. For more information, check out the websites:




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  • Volunteering


    Parents and community members are welcome to volunteer at Parkallen.  Many volunteer opportunities are available and your participation can be short or long term.  Parents volunteer in several areas including field trips, running club, preparation of materials, assistance in the classroom, at special events and reading one on one with students.


    Photo: Parkallen's Permaculture Garden -- Entirely planted and maintained by Parent Volunteers.




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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.




Parkallen is a community school where all children can belong, do their best learning and become leaders. We are located close to the University of Alberta in the heart of a mature south side neighbourhood, surrounded by green space and family homes. We are the designated school for children in the Parkallen and Allendale neighborhoods, as well as accepting children from other areas when we have space. We offer the following programs:

  • Regular (Community) Program - Kindergarten through Grade 6
  • Opportunity (Special Needs) Program – Grades 3 through Grade 6
  • Chinese (Mandarin) Bilingual Program - Kindergarten through Grade 6

If you are registering for Kindergarten or if you are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.

Our staff and parents work together to create a vibrant learning environment with a strong foundation in the Alberta curriculum and enhanced by special events, clubs, extra-curriculars, field trips, guest speakers and volunteers from the community.

Please explore our website to learn more about our school.


Welcome to Parkallen School!  I am so thrilled to be part of such a vibrant and dynamic school community.  Parkallen School is a true community school. It is the hub of the Parkallen and Allendale communities and for our Chinese Bilingual and Opportunity Programs which include families from across south Edmonton.

I believe that having high quality, nurturing and passionate Teachers, Educational Assistants and Support Staff is essential to a school's success. We truly operate as a team to provide your children with "high quality teachers, and a high quality classroom environment, each and every day." (Superintendent Darrel Robertson)

Community engagement and involvement in the school are so important to the school. We regularly consult with our community partners and encourage community engagement in the curriculum and learning programmes.

If you have children here... we are so thankful you have chosen Parkallen School.  We will look forward to working with them each day. If you don't yet have children here, Parkallen is absolutely a welcoming environment where we all work toward "fostering engaged, lifelong learners who will have a positive impact on the world."

Wishing everyone a wonderful school year!


Tracy Tucker, M.Ed.

Photo: African Song and Dance - Artist in Residence Week